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Increase Your Bust with Exercise

That's right, grow your bosom with exercise and the folks over at noew defunct website boobs4real say that just by exercising like building arms or legs, you can actually build breast mass, but how does it work?

Its well known that high cardio cross training often reduces breast size, so you want to avoid that and instead focus on exercises that improve your posture. You may have a tendency to slouch, and lets face it, most people slouch. So the first exercises are those that help you to feel good about yourself so that you can stand tall. By standing tall, keeping your chest lifted, your shoulders back and your head high, your body takes on a lovelier shape and what bust you have is carried better.


While you can simply focus on the upper body, it's far better to tone your entire body with general stretching and toning to improve your overall posture; Yoga and Tai Chi are good for this. A good exercise program will help improve your posture and your self esteem and the real challenge is to resist peer pressure social negativity and depression that is prevalent in our society.

Breast growth

The shape of the breasts is naturally determined by the support of the suspensory Cooper's ligaments, the underlying muscle and bone structures of the chest, and the skin envelope, so firstly one needs to focus on the muscles that support the breasts including the upper back. The pectoral muscles and Cooper's ligaments must be toned to support the breasts and hold them in place.

The second element is massage, you can do this yourself or have it done professionally. Breast Massage which benefits breast health and if you're serious and want quicker results, using a breast enhancement product can both accelerate breast growth and its also a nice cream to massage your breasts with.

Time to invest

Twenty minutes a day for exercise and massaging your breasts for five minutes each twice daily will support and help establish your new physique. Depending on your age and physique, it may take some months to see noticeable results in actual breast size, but the improvement in your posture will make you bust appear larger to people you know.

For quicker results you can use enhancement cream which is nice to massage with.

The exercises can be done by girls and women of any age as they promote good health and lessen the risk of breast cancer, but enhancement products should not be used by girls under 18 as any late breast growth may result in excessively large boobs.

Simply put, if you exercise your body and massage your breasts every day, you will notice a positive difference in your overall health and general appearance of your bust.


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