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Harmonising the menstrual cycle
The name menstruation comes from the Latin word menses which means "menstrual flow", it is also the plural of mensis meaning month and is related to the Greek word "mene" meaning moon. This indicates a historical relationship between the lunar and menstrual cycles. The moon is a symbol for primal female energy as associated with the goddesses of pagan times like Diana the queen of witches, huntress and protector of the wild and free who was worshipped in ancient Rome. Like the Indian Goddess Kali, she is still respected and admired today as a symbol of woman's prowess and capacity to love and protect. (Details below) The cycle of the moon takes 29.5 days, close to the menstrual cycle and it is believed that the full moon may increase oestrogen supply leading to ovulation and fertility, so is it a co-incidence that the moon can trigger ovulation and bring on fertility at any time during the menstrual cycle? Before electricity, women spent more time outdoors in the evenings and their bodies were influenced by moonlight and all women cycled together. Today, with artificial light, menstrual cycles no longer correspond to the moon and this imbalance maybe a cause of heavy periods and other health problems. To counter this phenomenon, women with irregular menstrual cycles may regain regular cycles by sleeping with a soft light in their rooms or taking time in the light of the moon during mid cycle and the cycles regulate in months. As a mirror to the moon and where a woman's menstrual cycle is attuned to the moon, her cycle goes through phases. Several days after the full moon, the estrogen level drops rapidly and progesterone begins to take over. The combined effects of estrogen and progesterone produce even greater growth of the blood-rich uterine lining, which provides nourishment for a fertilized egg. At this phase in the cycle, a woman wants to settle in and experience stability. Continuing to move toward the dark moon, if conception has occurred, the egg implants itself into the uterine lining and pregnancy is initiated. Otherwise, the levels of both progesterone and estrogen abruptly decline, causing the uterine lining to shrink and decompose. Corresponding to this, the woman may feel an emotional letdown. The classic premenstrual symptoms of depression, anxiety, and irritability often occur at this time. The dark phase of the moon is associated with the lowest levels of estrogen and progesterone. The body sheds the excess uterine lining, resulting in menstruation. What was built up is now broken down and released. During this phase, a woman turns inward, emotionally and physically. She has less interest in outside matters and craves sleep. Yet, her psychic abilities are at their peak, and menstruation is a time for her to focus on her own development and to spiritually renew herself. Mood wise, the phase between the end of bleeding and ovulation is believed to be an outgoing and active, with the time between ovulation and bleeding having quiet, introspective, meditative, sensitive and intuitive characteristics. Moon Moods In North American Indian culture It is said that a woman is very powerful during her moon and she is not to touch anything belonging to a man. The Goddess Diana Diana no longer was classed simply as a maiden huntress, but grew to the status of motherhood. By the birth of her daughter Ariadia. Then her path grew as well, to become known as the Queen of Witches. This during the famous witch hunts, falling between the 15th and 17th centuries. Diana became the mistress of magic. The teacher of spells, healing, and at the same time still holding her status as the protectress of all things wild. Links: |
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