A Brief Look Through Human History
It is from knowing our origins that we establish our identity and place in the world, however much of our actual history has been altered for political convenience. It is well-established that after any conflict, those who are victorious reshape the narrative of what took place as a means of inflating their own self worth and importance.
For instance we have the myth of women being made from the rib of a man which of course as blatantly untrue. Women do not and have never emerged from the ribs of men, not ever. It is men who emerges from the wombs of women and by framing the father as the giver of life makes this the greatest lie of the patriarchy.
So how have we arrived at this point?
To understand we must begin our enquiry before the advent of what we may call civilisation. Those who are enthusiastic to know more may look back to the origins of life but for this narrative let's look back to around 30,000 BC.
This was a time when what the scientific community referred to as 'modern humans' were emerging and beginning to organise themselves. Given the scale of the primary landmass comprising Africa, Europe and the entirety of Asia, various parts of the more populated than others yet we know from the archaeological record of things found that there was some trade and communication between the most distant corners of this vast landmass.
Again from the archaeological record it seems that the America's were also inhabited away back then, something that is vehemently denied by most historians who prefer the concept of colonisation from north-east Asia. So we must remember that we live in an age of belief where we are free to believe whatever we want in order to shape our destiny yet beliefs are not factual nor true and therefore completely unreliable.
We humans all want to be happy and this concept of happiness is based on actual knowledge as much as it is based on meeting our physical necessities like having sufficient creature comforts and good relationships. By looking at various societies around the world, it can be seen that those who have the knowledge based on the truth of existence, even the truth of not knowing much happier than those whose ideas of truth are based on beliefs.
Sometime around 30,000 BC give or take a few thousand years, those we refer to as Neanderthals who resided across southern Europe and into Anatolia were journeying into the region of modern day China and we know this is a fact because Neanderthal DNA exists in today's East Asian population while another subspecies of humans referred to as Denisoven's extended from central Asia and as far as Melanesia and Australia.
Modern scientific opinion states that the origins of each and every one of us today goes all the way back to Africa yet even within Africa itself and around the world there were other 'subhuman' groups capable of evolving into modern humans. Therefore in my opinion, it seems probable that in line with the popular ideas that dominated in the last century, the various groups of modern humans as we see ourselves today originated in the regions where their unique features are more predominant.
The arrival of civilisations
There is no clear definition of civilisation and given the way that some people behave today give reason to think that some animal species are far more civilised than us. It seems clear that we have always been a social species and to a certain extent, coalesce because there is safety in numbers and also because we enjoy companionship and communication.
There is no denying that the most primitive and remote tribes people throughout antiquity were civilised, the general term refers to a time when agriculture was supplementing the gatherer lifestyle and the population was remaining in one place instead of migrating to take advantage of fluctuating food sources.
From my research it is abundantly clear that the region of greater India which from 10,000 years ago crossed from the Caspian Sea into Southeast Asia was the centre of the first global civilisation. This was not a politically organised region, it was a collection of small mostly cooperative states sharing ideas and technologies.
The coherent principle that connected people's was knowledge, the knowledge that we don't know, the knowledge that we all come from our mothers and the evolving knowledge about the nature of our existence. This quest for knowledge of course is science and before any idea could be classified as knowledge, it had to be rigorously tested.
Another aspect of knowledge was in knowing how to be happy. Happiness is the common denominator of every human desire and the agents discovered that one of the best ways to be happy was to be generous and kind. Another form of happiness that is experienced by many is by expressing gratitude and praise to the various elements of life.
Of particular importance across all cultures stretching back into antiquity was and still is in some places the adoration and praise of the feminine principle, the mother of mothers. Those who practice such adoration and praise assign the feminine principle divine status which to the Western trained mind is completely nonsensical while in practice those who indulge in such adoration and praise with pure intent are rewarded not only with joy and happiness, but a deeper sense of knowing the nature of existence.
As populations grew, the sciences as in agriculture, medicine and astronomy also evolved as did the science of creating happiness without any political agendas beyond a collective concern for the welfare of humanity. Since we all live such short lives on an absolutely amazing and wonderful yet insignificant planet in terms of the grand scale of the universe, the scientific exploration into the nature of our reality was open to everyone.
There were of course collectives that evolved with particular interests and in the interests of the collective well-being and survival of our species, knowledge and was freely shared and most economies like the sciences, worked in service of people's needs. It seems probable that given the reverence toward the feminine, societies would have been matriarchal and up until this point I am describing a scenario of human existence through until about 8000 BC.
It is about then that the evolution of mother Earth we could say created an obstacle in the form of global warming. The great Northern ice sheets melted, sea levels rose (the biblical great flood) more than a hundred metres and coastal populations everywhere were forced to pack up and move. There is evidence to suggest that there were numerous cities on the former continental shelves that are today underwater and those populations found themselves uprooted and mixing into other populated regions and cities.
This physical upheaval and inconvenience created numerous logistical problems that people hadn't prepared for and probably hadn't even given thought to. I'm sure you could well imagine that today if there was some natural event that caused let's say the city of Miami Florida to submerge, there would be a great logistical nightmare to feed and accommodate that entire population as it was removed to new locations.
The origin of patriarchal capitalism.
My hypothesis about this is that this relatively sudden influx of people into already populated regions created numerous logistical problems in terms of finding sufficient food, sufficient space and integrating the populations that men began to organise things.
Men of course are very good at organising stuff but they often expect a reward and this I would describe as the beginning of the end. The matriarchal society came under great pressure and as a consequence those wishing to assert control and demand physical reward for their services to the community were rounded up and evicted which could be the foundation for the story of Adam and Eve with a similar story from Hindu culture - Nandanavana.
The garden of Eden and Nandanavana are both described as 'Paradise' from where those who upset the balance of life were evicted. Ancient Hindu texts describe how that within Vedanta, a great rift took place with Avesta is the first belief system split away to evolve into Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and lastly Islam.
The choice of divinity or the world?
In the matriarchal world represented by the idea of the garden of Eden or Nandanavana, every individual was a scientist, a spiritualist seeking to cooperate with nature and understand with the primary goal of helping to ensure the survival of humanity and all life into perpetuity. The individuals of this world shared a sense of social equity and cooperated to create a joyous existence capable of injuring through the centuries and this today is known as Dharma.
Those who rejected this understanding and way of life (through taking the forbidden fruit) were choosing only the material world and without the spiritual counterbalance to their lives lived in fear. As a solution to experiencing fear and uncertainty, they developed needs and became more aggressive.
The outcome of this folly we can see around us today, the suffering, the social disunity and conflict, the destruction of our environment and pollution that is amplifying our suffering. What is even worse is the continuing aggression toward the few remaining matriarchal societies and the general propagation of fear.
If we want to save our species, if we want the population of the world to be happy, if we want to actually recreate paradise, if we want to have enough, if we want to eliminate our fears, we must take that leap of faith and look inwards. It is time to abandon beliefs, it is time to practice generosity and kindness, it is time to celebrate the Divine feminine.
Jai Devi
Review Guide
A Short History Lesson
A Summary of Human History
Tracing Our Origins
Archaeology Fails
Yugas and Precessions
History by the Yugas
Mother India
Lord Shiva in the Bible
Lord Shiva in Arabia
Lord Shiva in Vietnam
Ancient Times
Less Ancient Times
A Chronology of Hindu History
The Garden of Eden
The Fall from Paradise
The Great Flood
The Mahabharata
North West Bharat
India: It's Land and People
The Story of Omar
Rape Culture
South Asia
Why India Was Broken
The Swastika
History Downloads