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Tracing the origins of Judaism and Christianity

In examining our history and learning that the out of Africa theory is on shaky ground and some other theories in regard to indigenous origins of modern humans remain in contention. It also seems apparent that there has been considerable mixing of subspecies between each other and between modern humans so we may never trace our exact ancestry that far back.

The identified identified first modern human remains have been identified at Jebel Irhoud, Morocco and dated to 300K BC. In contrast, "the find at the prehistoric site of Attirampakkam, India, has shown the potential of a Middle Palaeolithic culture at 385-172 thousand years ago (ka), much earlier than conventionally presumed for South Asia" ~ Nature

At present there is no way of knowing if the people who lived at Attirampakkam were so-called modern humans and if they were it's also argued that they migrated from Africa some 2 million years back but a commonality between all the species, modern human or other human is they all developed tools and technologies for survival.

Around 10,000 BC the lighter skin colour emerged and became a point of difference or a dividing element distinguishing peoples from each other. This colour change happened somewhere in north-west India and as population grew and climate change intensified, there was more migration from north-west India and along with the migrants they took their indigenous culture and spiritual practices.

There is no way of knowing exactly what they knew or what they believed and there is no way of distinguishing between knowledge and belief yet we know that sometime far before then (circa 14,000 BC) the science of living and the technology of being human was transmitted to the people and passed on through the and do spiritual texts such as the Rig Veda thought to have been compiled from the early date above.

Within that ancient understanding with the ideas that masculine and feminine although biologically different must coexist in harmony which meant the individual had to be other harmonious disposition. To achieve inner harmony, despite the pain and any suffering in life, the practices of praise and gratitude were key elements in personal well-being and our collective evolution re-processes.

Our ancestors understood this yet not everyone could understand so in order to assist everyone, the idea of God was created and the people encouraged over time to create their own gods. Yet central to this was the raising of a stone as a focal point representing the eternal nature of the universe and ideas beyond comprehension.

By making offerings to the stone one was also offering to one's own inner nature, giving a balm to one's soul and engendering a sense of well-being. The stone was only ever a device to offer flowers, water and kind thoughts, but many acting from distorted ideas, desires and beliefs began blood offerings (the fatted calf and other lives) abhorrent to the nature of the divine perhaps in part because the arising patriarchy wanted control of the populace and the resources that had been collectively owned.

The rising patriarchy believed in male superiority, woman became second-class citizens and slaves to men. This was reinforced by men writing the Divine feminine out of the spiritual texts, in other words Asherah was divorced from El in creating the Hebrew Bible or Torah which perhaps is the beginning of the shaping of western civilisation and continuing corruption of humanity.

While the out of Africa theory remains debatable, the idea that civilisation began in India and that language, science and ideas of spirituality also flowed out of India to the rest of the world but the further they travelled, the more watered-down or corrupted they became.

In India the stone linga was a focal point of community life from which the temple grew. The generations of offerings built up a resonance within stones, a kind of spiritualised energy that when in the presence of that stone, one spirit or soul was refreshed, contentment at least was established if not happiness and joy. The human relationship with this energy over the generations inspired the development of language and science along with the responsibility to retain the integrity of social actions.

We don't know how far back Hindu civilisation goes, but we know they had the first developed towns and cities and were touching the world before 10,000 BC through travel and trade. At times since the state, groups have migrated mostly west of India through the Mediterranean and into various parts of Europe. In contrast they also went east to be absorbed into the existing cultural/matriarchal landscape which they strongly influenced and that influence can still be seen today.

However those Hindus have moved westwards found the people more patriarchal, less accommodating, more prone to violence and determined to create the world according to their own desires without any regard for the world of the soul which in fact is the most critical and only enduring aspect of what we call human. Here are some biblical quotes:

"This stone, which I have set up as a pillar, will be God's house, and of all that you give me I will surely give a tenth to You." ~ Genesis 28:22.

"He built an altar there, and called the place El-bethel, because there God had revealed Himself to him when he fled from his brother." ~ Genesis 35:7

This proves; The biblical God Himself was a pillar resident in his early days, when he lived in a cylindrical stone (SHIVA-LINGA) of the sort called BETH-EL dwelling-place of a deity.

In the Book of Daniel, the main character, Daniel, comes face to face with an incredible being, whom he describes using the words "ugviyahto tarshish," which translate as "his body was like tarshish" (Daniel 10:6). Joseph ben David Ibn Yahya recognized this being as the Lord, and Radak understood tarshish to be a bluish stone.

The origin of tarshish, sapir, and tekhelet shifts our attention to the Hindu pantheon, where we find the blue deity Shiva, whose behaviour and whose cult, as scholars have been quietly pointing out for more than a century, appear similar, in certain aspects, to that of YHWH. Shiva manifests himself as a "pillar of fire" (Jyotirlingam) in Vayu Purana 55.13-57 and YHWH appears as a "pillar of fire" in Exodus 13:21-22 and 14:24, for instance. The similarity of these theophanies warrants our taking a brief look at them.

Yes, the blue god of Judaism. The god that Jews worship is as blue as the Hindu God Shiva, the supreme being in Shaivism, the oldest sect within Hinduism. In some ways, the ancient Hebrews were more similar to modern-day Hindus than Jews. They acknowledged the existence of deities other than YHWH (whom Christians generally refer to as Yahweh) and, like their neighbours, looked to a pantheon of gods and goddesses to satisfy their individual and collective needs."

In the ancient Sumerian mythology, "An" was the creator goddess, the celestial cow (bull) sky goddess. This is probably a copied version of milk see (said as "paar-kadal" in Tamil, "paala samudram" in Telugu, "ksheera sagaram" in Sanskrit). Thus we have the "milky way" galaxy (said as "paal-vazhi mandalam" in Tamil).

"An" was known as Antu in the Akkadian pantheon. "An" is the consort of "Anu", who was also a creator god. Anu is a sky-god, the god of heaven, lord of constellations, sky, etc., and the very word AN means SKY, the heavens, and the element of AIR.

Anu was the King of the Gods before Enlil, who is God of the Wind or Air also. We find AN and EN to be very similar. "An or Anu" gives us our words like Ancient, Ancestor and antique, to name a few.

The Goddess An or Antu is the consort of Anu, and together they give birth to all life and animals. (similar to Brahma created Manus and thru who we are all born, thus they say we are "manushyas" (This can be disputed because, etymology of "manushyas" as per Tamil is very different. Tamils do not subscribe to the view that our progenitor was Brahma. Tamils say that we are all born out of mud and the word for mud in Tamil is "mann" and therefore we are called "mann-ithergal" or simply "manidan", the same word holds good for King also. King in Tamil is called "mannan" or the ruler of the soil.

They breathed the AIR into them and gave them life. They also gave birth to the Anunnaki (Anunnaki is a reptile, and it is believed that we are the descendants of this reptile), Those who from Heaven came to Earth, from the SKY or the AIR! We also have the ancient Semitic Goddess Anat of Ugarit. Thus Anat is a common female name in Hebrew, found common is Israel.

Nature worshippers of Tamil Aasivaga Siddhas worshipped Sun and called it EL. Yes, EL is the first god inspired by humans for the first time. EL is gender free however over a period of time they have created masculine and feminine genders by adding amma and aiyah, as a result we have Elamma and Elaiah (most common name even to date). We know that EL is the Bull God of the Bible, the horned Ox. The Ox or the Bull gave life to all animals and breathed air into them to give them life.

We know that AN is the creator (TOR) God along with Anu, which means the Heavens or the Air, as well as the wind (breath). So, this is why we need air to live and breath and survive, which is the reason that the air that we need to survive is called Oxygen which comes from the OX (Bull). Thus the word animal can mean the Breath (air) of EL (Bull Ox God).

Oxygen has the element with an atomic number of 8 (eight). The symbol (Bull) is the letter "O" or number "0," again from the sacred goddess circle of life. Look on your keyboard and the number 8 (eight), you'll notice that the symbol is the Asterisk, which is the same symbol of the Sumerian cuneiform for An or Anu, which means deity. This comes from Ishtar or Astarte Goddess (Venus), thus the 5 points on the star, and her star was also the eight pointed star. Ishtar, Asherah and Astarte come form the ancient An or Anu.

Further reading:
Gospel of Shiva Blogspot
How Hinduism and other ancient mythologies connect to the Bible

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The Garden of Eden
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