Tracing the origins of beliefs and knowledge
Whatever part of the world that you happen to live in, you are regularly lied to
and misled by those who are sometimes genuine in their beliefs having been
misled themselves or are being deliberately misleading for their own gain. If
you would care to do the research you would find that modern civilisation is
built entirely upon myths and legends that cannot be substantiated and a history
that is controlled solely for the profit of a few.
One such misconception is that Shaivism was the most
important influence in
ancient Arabia before Islam along with pre islamic Babylonian Deities. Arabs
when they converted to Islam took the Namaz ritual from Persians
Image: Portal on Mt. Agung, Bali
One must remember that we are a people on an insignificant planet in an
insignificant part of an infinitely vast universe with absolutely no connection
to anywhere so we tend to grasp that what we perceive as life then form rigid
opinions about things that are in a state of constant flux. Consider for a
moment that in relation to the universe we have no idea what is up or down, such
an idea only exists in relation to individual perception. As I sit here my up is
in relation to my position on the planet and because of his round, your
direction of up is entirely different. We so easily believe in non-existent
truths upon which we construct a sense of reality in our minds.
Returning to the subject of Hindu nationalism and what that means. Well, it's a
little like arguing Darwinism versus creationism. Darwin argued that we evolved
from lesser lifeforms over a long period of time and coincidentally people who
are generally referred to as Hindus agree. Conversely the creationists argue
that we as a species were created some 6000 years ago by a benevolent God who
then left us to our own devices while another school of thought says that Adam
and Eve were perhaps a species alien to earth came and mated with the more
highly evolved ape/humanoid species that existed on the planet.
We do not know the truth, we can only make an educated guess as to the nature of
our origins as a species. The oldest literature we have in the Western world is
the Christian Bible and before that we have the writings from Babylon,
Mesopotamia and Egypt which have shaped a Western narrative about the
development of civilisation and the interpretations controlled by appointed
archaeological and quasi-scientific organisations under the auspices of
capitalism which is all about power and control for profit.
Focusing on India
History has been written by and at the behest of the rich and powerful
capitalists to give them administrative control over regions and populations.
Christian history is laid out in the Bible but to the Western mind that firmly
believed that "up" was a universal constant could not comprehend the Vedanta or
the Mahabharata text that not only contains the regional history, but it also
contains detailed instructions on how to achieve or know the truth of existence.
When we step back into the pre-Christian era it is clearly evident that there is
a strong Hindu influence centred on modern
day India covered from the Mediterranean to the Pacific. However modern
evolutionists and historians completely disregard India because they are so
attached to their beliefs that have been carefully shaped and passed on over the
past few hundred years by the powerful ruling elite.
It was primarily the British who wrote the history of India to suit their own
agenda and they disregarded the actual history that is once more re-emerging. It
has become evidently clear that Lord Krishna, Lord Rama and so many other
characters who existed a long time before the advent of the Christian era were
actually real people yet are denied in the context of mainstream history.
When the British arrived in India the subcontinent was occupied by Moslems who
following the conquest of Persia swept almost unopposed across Buddhist
Afghanistan, Pakistan, North India and down through Southeast Asia. The
Buddhists weren't positioned to defend themselves very well whereas the Hindus,
the followers of Sanatana Dharma were.
The modern name India was made up by the British whereas the greater region of
India was once known as Hindustan. This was derived from the Persian word Hindu
cognate with the Sanskrit Sindhu and during the early period of British rule the
people were referred to as Hindus and many derogatory names. Even today
Hindustan is a more apt name but adding to the confusion is the term Hinduism
and its definition as a religion.
To be clear, Hindu is a geographic term therefore anyone who lives in modern day
India as a citizen is by definition a Hindu regardless of belief. While people
attribute Hinduism as being a religion, it has become a religion for many from
the implication but Hindus are traditionally non-believers and the spiritual
practices of the population are encapsulated within
Sanatana Dharma which is best described as
a way of life in harmony with life.
Hindu nationalism
The Hindu intelligentsia became increasingly tired of the British version of
their history. Much of the British version has been disproved by archaeologists
and researchers. There is clear evidence that India really was the mother of
nations although this is still denied and Hindus are derided in mainstream
Western thought.
Yet despite what other people think and say about them, the Hindus are more
intellectually gifted than Europeans, they are more inclusive and have taken in
refugees from many countries. The Hindus and what people call as Hinduism are
friendly, generous and inclusive and contrast to a more exclusive European
mindset that tries to be multicultural yet continues to fail.
There is no doubt one of the biggest problems in India is the aggressive nature
of Christianity and Islam compounded by the fact that the Indian bureaucracy
still functions in a way as established by the British. The other major problem
is the education system that continues to function teaching the British and
European narrative of Hindu history that is incredibly bias towards Western
ideology and a highly disrespectful to Hindu culture and traditions that extend
back more than 10,000 years.
Some good news is that the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has
appointed a committee of scholars to prove that Hindus are descended from
India's first inhabitants. Members of the country's Muslim minority worry the
government wants to make them second-class citizens. The Moslems should not be
worried that the Indian government will make them second-class citizens, they
make themselves bad citizens by trying to dominate Hindu society and convert the
population to Islam which in itself is a fictitious religion.
This conflict of ideology that began with the British has served to divide
India, to divide peoples from each other and facilitate control of the region
and its resources. Even the intelligent Moslems knew this and they voted for
Prime Minister Modi because they fear being ruled under Sharia Law and are
attracted to the idea of individual autonomy within a tolerant and inclusive
India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was a British puppet and Islamic
apologist who embraced the idea of multiculturalism, a policy that has backfired
in every country where it has been tried because it simply creates separation.
It is only under Sanatana Dharma that multiculturalism actually works because it
is inclusive and devoid of belief whereas multiculturalism is based on beliefs,
principally that everyone's beliefs are valid and can coexist.
Yet the beliefs of Christians and Muslims are exclusive, the Christians believe
that only Christianity should exist whereas Muslims think only Islam should
exist and these two groups have a history of ruthlessly suppressing and
exterminating people who believe contrary to them. To a casual observer that
seemed that Christians and Muslims live quite happily side-by-side but we look
back over the history, there has never been any true peace. There has always
been an apathy for war and an ongoing attempt to out breed each other.
Ancient India despite the history of battles as described in the Bagavad Gita
was a land of peace and harmony. We know from the evidential records that Tamil
DNA has been found in the Australian aboriginal population and the New Zealand
Maori. The main calendar that was supposed to herald the end of the world in
2012 is identical to the old Hindu calendar of the same period. The Indus Valley
script which has yet to be deciphered is identical to the script found on Easter
island. Modern archaeology has shown that the Indus Valley civilisation was well
established about 9000 BC, a civilisation with cities that had running water
with flush toilets and public baths thousands of years before the birth of Rome
that is renowned in Western history as the inventor of such ideas.
All the conflict in the world is about ideas and a response to fear. It is only
Hindu culture under the guidance of Sanatana Dharma that can cure the world of
its suffering yet the world are so caught up in its own suffering that it picks
on India in a similar way as a litter of pigs will bully the runt of the litter.
Yet India is no runt, despite over 1000 years of foreign occupation and being
stripped of its economic and material assets, Sanatana Dharma remains strong and
it is spreading around the world because people are desperate for the truth.
It is only by knowing the truth of existence that hearts and minds are set free
and when enough people know freedom, peace and prosperity can prevail. This
initiative by Narendra Modi to re-establish Bharat Mata by correcting history is
to be applauded and supported. In this technological age we all owe it to
ourselves to do the research and find the truth of history because it is not
very hard although it's unpleasant to face up to the fact that we have been lied
to for so long.
The nationalist Hindu group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is spoken of as
being divisive by those who are divided and it is probable that such an
ideological organisation runs a little off track from time to time yet if India
is to become the great nation it aspires to be, it must embrace its real history
and become a real leader not so much in terms of commerce and industrial
technology, but show leadership and act more as a repository for all knowledge
pertaining to human well-being and the technology of being human.
Further reading:
Hindustan wiki
Reuters special report
Review Guide
A Short History Lesson
A Summary of Human History
Tracing Our Origins
Archaeology Fails
Yugas and Precessions
History by the Yugas
Mother India
Lord Shiva in the Bible
Lord Shiva in Arabia
Lord Shiva in Vietnam
Ancient Times
Less Ancient Times
A Chronology of Hindu History
The Garden of Eden
The Fall from Paradise
The Great Flood
The Mahabharata
North West Bharat
India: It's Land and People
The Story of Omar
Rape Culture
South Asia
Why India Was Broken
The Swastika
History Downloads