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By the Grand Yuga Cycle

There is some controversy in regard to the yuga cycle and for the purpose of this discussion we are going to take the stance as explained by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev in the video below. This viewpoint is agreed upon by other Hindu pundits and modern science because it coincides exactly with axial precession and the movement of our solar system through the heavens.

The yuga cycle affecting us is described as a naturally occurring phenomenon whereby another planetary body comes sufficiently close to Earth to gravitationally affect all life on earth causing amongst other things a much higher level of intelligence at its nearest. At this time in 2020 we are passing through Dwapara Yuga with another 62 years to go before the commencement of the next ascending Treta Yuga.

Tracking backwards, we arrive at 510 BC which marks the end of the last Kali Yuga, the lowest point of human capability and we know from our history books that this period preceding (2x1296 years) was characterised by the most abominable human behaviour and mistreatment not only of ourselves but of the planet. The preceding Kali yuga ending 26,492 BC saw the demise of the Neanderthals and the Denisovans.

Preceding the Kali Yuga which began in 3102 BC, the time considered by many to be the conclusion date of the Kurukshetra War (Mahabharata War), we pass back through another Dwapara Yuga, a period of long gradual descent in our evolutionary consciousness until 5694 BC which was the end of the last Treta Yuga. Another 3888 years takes us back to 9582 BC marking the end of the last Satya Yuga said to have been a time when people lived as gods within an earthly paradise for a period of 10,368 years.

In this video, Sadhguru explains some of the detail within the yuga cycle.

Now if we are to accept the proposition of the yuga cycle described within India's ancient literature and agreed as being true by modern science (astronomers and astrologers), then let's begin to add in some of the historical ideas we have at hand.

Satya Yuga, 20,012 BC - 9582 BC

It's said that during the Satya Yuga people lived as gods on earth living in harmony with nature. The Greeks have their stories of the gods living on Mount Olympus, the Hindus have Nandanavana and there are Gardens of Eden or Earthly paradises in other cultures that perhaps reflect a memory of that era.

People were wide spread over the Earth and we could imagine that this was the time when vimanas crossed the skys. This is the probable time when Shiva, the Adiyogi revealed the technology of being human. This knowledge is encapsulated within Vedanta and travelled to all corners of the earth.

It seems probable that the Sanskrit language also reached a high point along with the sciences and the world adhered to Sanatana Dharma. We can only speculate what their lives may have been like and is only after the end of that period (9582 BC) that archaeological evidence becomes more available.

Treta Yuga, 9582 BC - 5694 BC
An age of descending consciousness.
As the celestial body moved further away, there was a gradual decline in wisdom characterised by an increasing sense of selfishness, base behaviour and conflict. For the sake of humanity, the community leaders had perfected Sanskrit and the method for passing on knowledge. Sanatana Dharma had been codified to enable humanity to endure the dark times ahead with Vedanta and the science of yoga to light the way.

In the west, Gobekly Tepe was created as a reminder of Dharma and the Indus Valley civilisation began gravitating toward cities. We have a growing aversion to spirituality and a passion for materialism emerged. This rift known as Avesta splitting from Vedanta is when a great flood (Noah but not water) of ignorance spread over the Earth seeding all the worlds problems today.

Key facts:
  1. Melting of the northern ice sheet and sea level rise forcing populations to move.
  2. The filling of the Black sea creating a water way from the Mediterranean to northern Afghanistan which was then part of greater India.
  3. Regional desertification from the Sahara to nth India.
  4. An intensification of agriculture, metallurgy, trade and population movement.
  5. The idea of money or a value system for exchange spread rapidly with trade.
  6. Patriarchal capitalism spreads and spawns colonialism in various forms with Zoroastrianism as a central belief system as a form of population/social behaviour control.
  7. The use of money emerges to become the new god along with the pleasure it can buy.
  8. Migrations out of India commence along with language to form the European languages.

The combination of these factors created a patriarchal society and a leaning towards materialism characterised as patriarchal capitalism. This is when Avesta, a new movement spearheaded by patriarchal capitalists split away from Vedanta distancing themselves from Dharma preferring instead to wage war, keep slaves and primarily seek a life of pleasure.

Dwarpara Yuga, 5694 BC - 3102 BC

The descent into madness escalates, the flood of patriarchal capitalism gains strength in the west and India needing to trade becomes infected. Sanatana Dharma begins to weaken and there is some corruption in the transmission of ancient knowledge.

  1. Trades between China, Russia, Mesopotamia, Europe and Egypt.
  2. Hindus travel to Australia (proven @ 4000 BC) and the Americas.
  3. Sanatana Dharma shapes the cultures of central Asia, East and SE Asia.
  4. Europe was colonised and stones (ie. stonehenge) come into use as civilisational aides.
  5. Commencement of pyramid building in Brazil.
  6. Cattle were worshipped in Egypt.
  7. Metallurgy and related trades flourish.
  8. The Indus cities develop further.
  9. Lord Krishna was born and the Kurukshetra war takes place perhaps signifying the commencement of the kali Yuga.

Kali Yuga, 3102 BC - 510 BC

During this period the human consciousness sinks to its lowest ebb although many creative geniuses emerge. The Iron Age commences along with war and patriarchal capitalism begins to dominate all life west of Persia but to counteract this, the wise ones begin building in stone as a guide or as symbols of hope.

  1. The temple culture of India emerged, yoga and Vedanta were propagated to maintain and guide the people.
  2. The pyramid culture of Egypt emerged.
  3. The culture of SE Asia shaped by Sanatana Dharma.
  4. Avesta had become Zoroastrianism and seeded Judaism.
  5. The Iron Age begins in India circa 1200 BC.
  6. Persian, Mongol and other empires evolved and spread.
  7. It's said Greece existed as an idea 1100 BC
  8. Rome was founded in 753 BC.

Dwarpara Yuga, 510 BC until Now
An age of Ascending consciousness.

The mentality of the Kali Yuga lingers on in the form of civilisational momentum, a world governed by patriarchal capitalism and it's tool for getting - colonialism. The key facts of this period of history are well documented and despite the present day conflicts happening all over the world and the nastiness within politics, there is a growing sense of enlightenment and a strong desire for the world to return to sanity.

Such a return to sanity implies a return to Dharma and the phasing out of patriarchal capitalism along with the financial systems that served to bind people to their suffering. With the next Treta Yuga commencing in only 62 years, if we don't destroy ourselves in the meantime then future generations may be able to experience greater heights of possibility and a genuine peace on earth though there it will take another 3888 years before our planetary system enters into the next Satya Yuga.

It's not my intent to list everything that has happened but to present this page as a summary and you can fill in your own historic facts.

Review Guide
A Short History Lesson
A Summary of Human History
Tracing Our Origins
Archaeology Fails
Yugas and Precessions
History by the Yugas
Mother India
Lord Shiva in the Bible
Lord Shiva in Arabia
Lord Shiva in Vietnam
Ancient Times
Less Ancient Times
A Chronology of Hindu History
The Garden of Eden
The Fall from Paradise
The Great Flood
The Mahabharata
North West Bharat

It's Land and People

The Story of Omar
Rape Culture
South Asia
Why India Was Broken
The Swastika
History Downloads


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