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Less Ancient Times

When we look back into our history today, we tend to think of the period following 10,000 BC as when civilisation began to emerge, and it could well be probable that we think this only because we are discovering more tangible evidence in the form of buildings, technology, skeletal remains, evidence of trade and then writing.

I have pointed out that there is a distinct possibility that India may have been populated continuously by protohumans who may have evolved naturally or have mixed and evolved into modern humans. The dates for the beginning of the Indus Valley civilisation thought to be the first in India is being pushed back towards 10,000 BC yet their stories, mythology and legends contained in ancient texts extend back long before 10,000 BC and are perhaps in a sense, timeless.

The world is very reluctant to admit that India had cities, agriculture, reticulated water, flushing toilets, other mod cons and were adjusting their lives in accord with nature and an eternal concept (Sanatana Dharma) while Europeans were still hunter gathering.

There was a cataclysmic change around 6000 BC. As the lakes in the last of the ice age (like lake Missoula) spilled into the oceans, they submerged not only the continental shelves of every country which is where the story of the historical great flood comes from. The English Channel was formed. The city of Dwarka and perhaps others yet to be found in the Bay of Cambay was submerged. The Black Sea was filled creating a waterway through to the Caspian, the Aral seas and on up the Oxus River enabling water traffic from Greece to North India (today's Afghanistan).

It seems probable that the fabled Jason and the Argonauts took this route and even until this day, gold bearing soils are washed over sheepskins to collect the gold. It also seems probable that this route was in use by Greek migrants up until the time of Alexander of Macedon.

From this 6000 BC period, people are on the move, language is improving, people are asking more questions and what we term as civilisation takes a great step forward with the emergence of patriarchal capitalism. In India as we know from the Indus Cultures, they were on the whole a fairly peaceful lot. They had a few protective walls around some of the towns to keep out the herds of wild elephants and there was a degree of inter-clan rivalry culminating in the Kurukshetra War the exact date of which is currently being hotly debated.

Climate change was also affecting the region of North India, the Indus/Saraswati and to the North beyond ancient Bactria. Fired bricks used for building construction and irrigation schemes required cutting trees and likely accelerated climate change as deforestation made way for agriculture and the forests were also used for pottery and metalwork. The Sahara and Middle East regions were also turning to desert concentrating people's into the river valleys at this time.

With the Indus/Saraswati region drying out and unable to support its population, waves of migrants went west although it's thought these migrations had been taking place from several thousand years previously, so the original Jews and Hittites could well have been tribes of India as the Roma of today and Pharaoh Ramses, a prince from the tribe of Rama. Some researchers claim that Indian tribes followed the coast to settle various parts of Europe mixing with local people's, sharing their technology in agriculture, and creating more comfortable living conditions.

So far in this narrative, I have presented the concept that modern human civilisation evolved independently across the land we now call India as it did in other regions. As far as we know, before ten thousand BC the entire human population was various shades of dark skinned and it's my contention that somewhere about or soon after 10,000 BC, the mixing or inter-breeding of these populations produced the genetic variant (genetic error) of white skin distinctly different from albinism.

People in different parts of the world respond differently to their environment and the natural tendency is because we have eyes and ears along with our other senses of perception, we think of the world around us as being external. Of course this external world is real but the people of India understood this and decided that the world of consciousness was as important if not more important than the physical giving rise to yoga, a systemic study of the nature of self.

There is a high degree of consensus that before 6000 BC, civilisations were matriarchal and can be viewed as being flat without a hierarchical structure. Everyone understood they were born of their mothers and the world was pagan with everyone involved to some extent within what we may term 'natural spirituality'. A natural enquiry into the nature of existence at an individual and personal level without need of a priesthood or any form of hierarchical and authoritarian structure yet guided to some extent by yogis, mystics and later the Brahmans.

Yet here, societies were matriarchal and the most significant people in command would have been those who understood the seasons and foresaw dangers or boons, and who had the capacity to spur their community to act for the greatest good of all.

It's from about this 6000 BC period that considerable wealth was being generated which created a problem both for storage and control. Then we have no idea exactly how, but a new patriarchal society began to emerge and we are left to imagine that perhaps a trader for some reason became irritated with his wife, perhaps his dinner wasn't ready on time or perhaps he drank a little much wine and lusted after a woman who was happy to party in return for a small gift? Perhaps this man discovered that he could be independent of his wife, his family and indeed his community. He was a man of independent means and could afford to pay someone to provide his needs, then of course perhaps again aided by wine he boasted, advertising the fact and other men began to act in a similar fashion then competition to get the most (wealth/power/status) evolved.

Over the thousands of years since then, patriarchal societies became dominant, if men couldn't buy what they wanted they simply took it and if people wouldn't obey, it was off with their heads. Paganism was still normal until the Romans created Christianity and then a concerted political effort was made to exterminate paganism and natural spirituality in favour of dictating to believers in order to maintain the power structure and a wealthy elite.

In contrast to the only meaningful statement relating to Jesus that I can find which is in the Gnostic gospels. Jesus says "do not believe in me, become as I am and do as I do." After the accidental fire caused by the Roman incursion into Alexandria, the Christian fathers ordered the remaining libraries be burned so that they could have a monopoly on all knowledge giving them a greater capacity to have people believe as the church administration wanted.
During this period, the strengthening patriarchy and capitalism merged creating what I describe as patriarchal capitalism and colonisation based on self-centredness and the view that only greed and control of the external world for profit was important. The traditional honour and respect for women was swept away and they became slaves to men and industry. The attention that had gone into preserving the oral history diminished and fell to small groups of people who had to hide themselves away from the civilised world else they may lose their heads although it was helpful to have a degree of isolation from the evolving madness of the modern world.

At this time (6000 BC) across greater India and down through Southeast Asia, Sanatana Dharma flourished, the people were well fed, enjoyed good health and an equitable lifestyle. From that 6000 BC period and perhaps before, the Indian people knew the earth was round and that it revolved around the sun, they knew about the precession of the equinoxes and were the first to begin crafting steel, producing cotton, using calculus having came up with the idea of zero. In short Indian civilisation was the mother of all civilisations helping to shape Egypt, Persia, China, ES Asia, Greece and Rome.

As much as western trained scholars and researchers are loath to admit, it seems probable that Indian sailors reached the Americas. There is clear and accepted evidence that South Indian DNA appears in the Australian aboriginal population at around four thousand BC. The Indus Valley script is found on Easter island predating the arrival of the Polynesians and the Indian deity Vishnu appears in South America as Viracocha performing the same role. Researcher and author Chaman Lal writes extensively about the Indian connection to the Americas with common words, traditions and indeed shared genetics.

Under Sanatana Dharma, a natural justice prevailed and life was more communal as people saw themselves as being part of life without religion, without needing to believe because they knew life and in today's terms would be judged as being pagan. To the west, the Europeans initially adopted some of these ideas and Ireland was perhaps a major seat of Indian wisdom until the Catholics arrived. However the West was quickly overwhelmed by patriarchal capitalism and under the Romans, paganism was forcibly extinguished to be replaced by a new invention called Christianity, a new colonialist which required people to believe and do as they were told and of course pay taxes or else lose their heads.

By then, Buddhism had emerged and spread into North Asia, as far west as Persia, and eastward across Southeast Asia and north into China, Korea and Japan replacing the concepts of Sanatana Dharma with Buddhist Dharma which is somewhat easier to comprehend and more amenable to patriarchal capitalism because of its tier structure. Remember that Buddhism is one element or one approach to life taken directly from the wisdom of Sanatana Dharma.

The concept of Sanatana Dharma once spread across across greater Persia/Sumer and gave rise to the city of Ur that historians still speak of as being the world's first city during a time when it's considered by many that India had cities with populations in the tens of thousands. This region was reduced by the growth in patriarchal capitalism and no Western historian of any importance is prepared to agree with that yet there is growing evidence that cities like Harappa, Dolevra and Mohenjo Dharo conservatively dated at 2300 BC by those Western educated are much older and existed before Dwarka was submerged around 6000 BC at which time westward migrations from India increased taking knowledge and technology.

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