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A political whitewash

Not so long ago a new term came into existence - 'South Asia' - as a replacement name for greater India or Bharat. Despite the resistance, the new term has stuck so that sadly, India has been further written out of the global narrative allowing for increased anti Hindu activities.

In short, this is the new face of cultural genocide.

Not taught in schools - Ravi Pillay writes:

Southern Asia - a subregion defined by the U.N. Population Division as consisting of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka - is home to about 99% of the world's Hindu population. Overall, an estimated 60% of Southern Asia's total population is Hindu.

Hindus are majority community in Nepal and India with 81.6% and 79.8% respectively. Hindus are second largest religious group in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and there is a very minute number of Hindus in Afghanistan.

Hinduism is also practiced in the countries of Southeast Asia. In most countries, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and the Philippines, it is practiced by the South Asian diaspora. In Bali Indonesia it is practiced by the local indigenous Balinese.

Hindu civilization, which itself formed from various distinct cultures and peoples, including also early Southeast Asian, specifically Mon Khmer influence, was adopted and assimilated into the indigenous social construct and statehood of Southeast Asian regional polity. Through the formation of Indianized kingdoms, small indigenous polities led by petty chieftain were transformed into major kingdoms and empires led by a Maharaja with statecraft akin to India.

It gave birth to the former Champa civilisation in southern parts of Central Vietnam, Funan in Cambodia, the Khmer Empire in Indochina, Langkasuka Kingdom and Old Kedah in the Malay Peninsula, the Sriwijayan kingdom on Sumatra, the Mataram Kingdom, Singhasari and the Majapahit Empire based in Java, Bali and parts of the Philippine archipelago. The civilisation of India influenced the languages, scripts, written tradition, literatures, calendars, beliefs system and artistic aspects of these peoples and nations.

A reason for the acceptance of Indian culture and religious traditions in Southeast Asia was because Indian culture already some striking similarities to indigenous cultures of Southeast Asia, which can be explained by earlier Southeast Asian (specifically Austroasiatic, such as early Munda and Mon Khmer groups) and Himalayan (Tibetic) cultural and linguistic influence on local Indian peoples.

Several scholars, such as Professor Przyluski, Jules Bloch, and Levi, among others, concluded that there is a significant cultural, linguistic, and political Mon-Khmer (Austroasiatic) influence on early Indian culture and traditions. India is seen a melting pot of western, eastern and indigenous traditions as it has been for millennia.

The spread of Hinduism is attibuted to human intellegence as it celebrates life and living. Hinduism is known as Sanatana Dharma or just "Dharma, a social model to ensure the survival of your children and their children's children into an unforeseeable future, enabling all people to be happy while supporting the quest for personal liberation and universal knowledge, and enabling the participation of every individual in the act of conscious creation."

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